A Note From Our Principal
We had a great first month of 2018 and are looking forward to spending the rest of this winter season with you and your children. Our teachers and staff are hard at work creating meaningful learning experiences for the month of February. Don’t forget, on February 19th, Infants through Pre-K will be closed for Professional Development. This is a day full of training and work shopping for our teachers.
Thank you to those of you that participated in our annual parent survey, we appreciate your feedback and support! When the survey results are in, we will be examining them carefully for areas of improvement.
Maressa Miller
Valentine’s Day Celebrations
We will be holding class Valentine’s Day celebrations on February 14th at 3:30 p.m. Sign up list are available at the front. Please bring Valentines addressed to “My Friend” for classmates. Parents are welcome to attend the class celebrations!
*If you are planning on bringing a special treat for your child’s class please ensure that the items are store bought, not homemade and are nut free.
Priority Enrollment for the 2018-2019 School Year
Are you planning on re-enrolling for the next school year? We hope so! Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is placed on the roster and save 50% on the annual registration fee. Official Early Bird registration will be March 5th – 23rd. Our management team is available to address any questions or concerns you have.
Cold Weather Reminders
Our students love to play on the playground and we go outside every day (weather permitting). Please make sure your child has a seasonally appropriate change of clothes in their cubby in case they have an accident and that they bring a jacket daily. Thank you!
Important Dates
February 5th– National Wear Red Day
February 12th– Super Fan Fundraiser Begins
February 14th—Valentine’s Day Class Celebrations at 3:00
February 16th– Pajama Day
February 19th– Infants through Pre-K Closed for Professional Development
February 23rd– Super Fan Fundraiser Ends
February 26th—Parent Appreciation Breakfast
February 28th—Links to Learning folders go home
February, 2018
Topics: Social Emotional
The world is a brand new place for your baby, so you’ve probably noticed that he wants to explore any chance that he gets. He might crawl towards toys, reach out for you, or gaze at objects moving around him. You can foster this growing curiosity by engaging in sensory[.....]
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February Newsletter
A Note From Our Principal
We had a great first month of 2018 and are looking forward to spending the rest of this winter season with you and your children. Our teachers and staff are hard at work creating meaningful learning experiences for the month of February. Don’t forget, on February 19th, Infants through Pre-K will be closed for Professional Development. This is a day full of training and work shopping for our teachers.
Thank you to those of you that participated in our annual parent survey, we appreciate your feedback and support! When the survey results are in, we will be examining them carefully for areas of improvement.
Maressa Miller
Valentine’s Day Celebrations
We will be holding class Valentine’s Day celebrations on February 14th at 3:30 p.m. Sign up list are available at the front. Please bring Valentines addressed to “My Friend” for classmates. Parents are welcome to attend the class celebrations!
*If you are planning on bringing a special treat for your child’s class please ensure that the items are store bought, not homemade and are nut free.
Priority Enrollment for the 2018-2019 School Year
Are you planning on re-enrolling for the next school year? We hope so! Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is placed on the roster and save 50% on the annual registration fee. Official Early Bird registration will be March 5th – 23rd. Our management team is available to address any questions or concerns you have.
Cold Weather Reminders
Our students love to play on the playground and we go outside every day (weather permitting). Please make sure your child has a seasonally appropriate change of clothes in their cubby in case they have an accident and that they bring a jacket daily. Thank you!
Important Dates
February 5th– National Wear Red Day
February 12th– Super Fan Fundraiser Begins
February 14th—Valentine’s Day Class Celebrations at 3:00
February 16th– Pajama Day
February 19th– Infants through Pre-K Closed for Professional Development
February 23rd– Super Fan Fundraiser Ends
February 26th—Parent Appreciation Breakfast
February 28th—Links to Learning folders go home
From Bubbles to Finger Paint: 5 Sensory Activities for Your Curious Baby
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