A Note From the Principal
We are ready for weather to start cooling down as we settle into fall. We have so much fun planned in the coming months and are ready for the holidays that are quickly approaching. We have lots of festivities in store, so if you would like to become a parent volunteer for one of our fun-filled events, like picture day or our fall festival, let us know! Fall is also a season of learning at Xplor! We will be working hard on training as I attend Principal Conference in October and bring lots of valuable information back to our teachers during Professional Development Day in November. We’ll be working hard on student portfolios, as well, so we can share their learning and milestones this school year with you in November!
Dates to Remember
Monday, September 30-Friday, October 11 – Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
Saturday, October 12 – Xplor at Cedar Park Bark Fest!
Monday, October 14 – RRISD Closed, School Age Open All Day
Tuesday, October 15 – RRISD Closed, School Age Open All Day
Friday, October 18 – Parents’ Night Out
Thursday, October 31 – Costume Fashion Show and Halloween Parties
Monday, November 11 – Xplor Preschool Closed for Professional Development Day
Thursday, November 14 – Fall Pictures for Preschool Students
Thursday, November 28 – Xplor Closed for Thanksgiving Day
Saturday, November 16 – Xplor STEAM Fest and Open House
Planned Staff Absences
Sept 30- Oct 1 – Ms. Evelyn
Oct 2 – Ms. Shanna
Oct 3 – Ms. Letti, Mr. Kenny
Oct 4 – Ms. Kiesha, Mr. Kenny
Oct 7 – Ms. Rana
Oct 11 – Ms. Kiesha
Oct 17-18 – Mr. Kenny
Oct 18 – Ms. Rana
Oct 21 – Mr. Kenny
Oct 21 – 28 – Ms. Nicole
Oct 28 – Ms. Blanca
Important News and Reminders
Xplor Closings
November 11th (Veteran’s Day, Professsional Development Day)
As a friendly reminder we will be closed on Monday, November 11th, for our Semi-Annual Professional Development Day. We will providing important age-specific trainings to all of our teachers that they will bring back to the classroom. We will have care available for our elementary aged students that day, but school age children will need to be signed up in advance in order to attend on 11/11.
November 28th (Thanksgiving Day)
Xplor will be closed on Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving Day. We will be open the day after Thanksgiving, but children will need to be signed up in order to attend. We will be posting sign up sheets in mid-November.
Vacation Time and Withdrawal Policy
Earned Vacation Time
We wanted to give everybody a friendly reminder about vacation time and our withdrawal policy as we approach the holidays. All families earn vacation time after 1 year of continuous enrollment that may be used as early as 6 months after the most recent enrollment date. All families that have enrolled or re-enrolled from 2018 forward will be on our new vacation policy and earn 1 free week per year. Your child must absent for the entire week, Monday-Friday, in order to use the vacation week. Please stop by the front office if you would like to plan your vacation.
Withdrawal Policy
Please be reminded that we need a minimum of a 30 day written notice (or email) in order to withdraw your child. If you will be on an extended vacation (minimum of two weeks), you are welcome to temporarily withdraw your child and re-enroll. You will be required to pay the registration fee again prior to withdrawing in order to reserve your child’s spot.
Absences – We kindly ask all families to notify us of any planned or unplanned absences. If you know that your child will be absent for a day, or a few, kindly let us know in advance. If your child will be staying home at the last minute for unplanned reasons, please mark him/her absent in Links2Home and/or call Xplor to notify us of the absence. This communication helps us plan appropriately for the day and eases our worry.
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
We have kicked off our first fall fundraiser with Charleston Wrap and we hope you will participate! You all should have received a flyer in your child’s cubby with all the details. This is a great place to order wrapping paper or gifts for the holidays. Of course, the more you sell, the more you can win. All orders are due back to Xplor on Friday, November 11th. Want to shop online? No problem! Online orders will be delivered directly to your home!
School Code: 12157
Parents’ Night Out, Friday, October 18th
Don’t forget that we host a Parents’ Night Out every month! This is a great time for you to enjoy an evening kid-free while your children stay in a familiar and comfortable environment, and have fun, too! The cost for Parents’ Night Out is $30 for the first child in the family, and $15 for each additional child. Children must be signed up no later than Wednesday October 16th, in order to attend.
Annual Principal Conference – Oct 21-24
I will be away at our Annual Principal Conference again this October. This is a great time of learning and I have gained so much each year. I am excited to go and bring back new tools to empower our teachers and better our school. If you don’t see me the week of the 21st, just remember I am away at training! I will be off the 25th and 28th, and back to Xplor as normal on Tuesday, 10/29.
Parent Advocates/Volunteers
If you would like to become more involved in helping with events at Xplor, let us know! This is a great way to get to know our teachers a little better, as well as some of our students. Of course, we thrive on community and our efforts put together are always even better. As a parent volunteer, you would be able to help us on party days, at fall festivals, and during picture day. We’d also seek your input and feedback on subjects like teacher appreciation, new events, charitable drives, and more!
Welcome New Teachers
Ms. Emily
Ms. Emily joined our team in September and we have loved having her around! She has been helping in many different classrooms, but primarily in Beginner B and Intermediate B, and has been fantastic with all of the children. We love seeing her smiling face leading circle time, engaging with children and teaching them during normal play and conversation. Please join us in welcoming Ms. Emily to our team!
October, 2019
Topics: Mathematics
Hands-on experiences help children understand foundational math concepts, such as number and shape recognition, patterning, sorting, and addition and subtraction. The activities below provide your child with valuable early exposure which will help him gain confidence for additional math skills presented in kindergarten and beyond. Toddlers (ages 1-2) Take a[.....]
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October 2019
A Note From the Principal
Dates to Remember
Planned Staff Absences
Important News and Reminders
Xplor Closings
November 11th (Veteran’s Day, Professsional Development Day)
As a friendly reminder we will be closed on Monday, November 11th, for our Semi-Annual Professional Development Day. We will providing important age-specific trainings to all of our teachers that they will bring back to the classroom. We will have care available for our elementary aged students that day, but school age children will need to be signed up in advance in order to attend on 11/11.
November 28th (Thanksgiving Day)
Vacation Time and Withdrawal Policy
Earned Vacation Time
Withdrawal Policy
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
Parents’ Night Out, Friday, October 18th
Annual Principal Conference – Oct 21-24
Parent Advocates/Volunteers
Welcome New Teachers
Ms. Emily
Early Math Exposure Adds Up to Later Success
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