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Xplor of Corinth June 2023 Newsletter

Xplor of Corinth June 2023 Newsletter


A Note from Our Principal,

Get ready for an awesome summer! Our teachers and staff are busy planning a fun and unforgettable experience for our students. From sports and games to arts and crafts, we have something for everyone. We will be sharing more information soon via Links 2 Home about our upcoming events and activities. As always, we are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Toys from home and Stuff Animal

Please encourage our littles to keep home toys home so that they can enjoy school toys.  Also, please encourage the littles to bring small stuff animals that can fit in their cubbies.


Marilyn Inghram-Williams M.S.Ed.

 Illness Policy

Our parents are vital partners in helping us to maintain a safe and healthy environment for the students in our school. The most important thing you can do to assist us in creating a healthy environment is to keep your child home if they are ill. This reduces the spread of illness and allows your child to fully recuperate. Children may not attend school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours if they display any of the following:

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees of more—must be fever free for 24 hours with no fever-reducing medicine before returning to school.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea or stomach upset.
  • Heavy green nasal discharge requiring wiping every few minutes
  • Persistent, non-productive or barking cough
  • Sore throat
  • Excessive Coughing
  • Skin rash, including diaper rash
  • Head lice
  • Symptoms of a communicable disease
  • Fussy, cranky behavior unlike child’s normal demeanor that may indicate illness

Thank you in advance


Parent Referral

Refer a family and after the new family is with us for 90 days, you will receive and free week of tuition.

Naptime Gear

Please make sure to take home all naptime gear at the end of your week.  Please make your child have a complete change of clothing in the cubbies.

Hours of Operation

Please remember our hours of operation 6:30 am-6:30 pm. Please be sure to drop off and pick up your child(ren) between the above hours. Late pick-up fees are $1.00 per minute

Outside Food

Please No outside food due to high food allergies.


 Important Dates:

 6/8/2023           Wear yours favorite Socks

6/9/2023           Splash Day

6/14/2023         Wacky Wednesday… dress how you want

6/16/2023          PJ Day… wear your favorite

6/20/2023        Wear your favorite Sneakers

6/21/2023          Wear your favorite shirt

6/23/2023          Splash Day

6/26/2023          Bring your favorite book

6/30/2023          Take home month end folder


Education Article:

Splash-tastic Adventures:
Multi-Sensory Water Activities for Preschoolers

From splashing in puddles to playing with water toys, children love exploring the world of water. It may get messy, but the benefits are worth it. Water play serves as an excellent tool for promoting fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and sensory awareness, as well as opportunities for social interaction, taking turns, and sharing materials.

Our teachers leverage the fun of water to reinforce a variety of skills. For instance, students explore the science of melting ice cubes in the warm sunshine. We engage them in critical thinking by asking questions like, “What do you think will happen when we put the ice cube in the sun?” or “How long do you think it will take for the ice cube to melt?” Then, we discuss the results and encourage the students to reflect on the properties of water and the effects of temperature.

In addition to exploring the science of melting ice, we offer opportunities for students to engage in activities that tap into their desire to imitate grown-up tasks. For example, teachers may encourage them to participate in an interactive toy car wash using a bucket of soapy water, toy cars, and a clean towel to dry. This activity reinforces fine motor skills, while instilling a sense of responsibility and independence.

Continue the learning at home with these fun water activities that can be customized for children of any age.

  1. Water Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course in your backyard or a safe outdoor area using different water play stations. Include activities like crawling under a sprinkler, tossing water balloons into a bucket, and stepping over shallow trays of water. This activity promotes gross motor skills, coordination, and following instructions.


  1. Ice Excavation

Freeze small toys or figurines in ice using plastic containers or ice cube trays. Once frozen, place the ice blocks in a large tray. Equip your child with tools like spray bottles filled with warm water, spoons, or toy hammers to melt and excavate the toys from the ice. This engaging activity encourages your child to apply problem-solving skills as they discover new ways to release their frozen treasures.


  1. Floating Boats

Foster creativity and engineering skills while experimenting with buoyancy this summer. Challenge your child to design and build their own boats using materials like foam sheets, plastic containers, popsicle sticks, and tape. Once their boats are complete, provide a small tray or inflatable pool filled with water for a boat race. Encourage your child to use straws to create wind to make their boat move across the water.


  1. Water Painting

Looking for a mess-free art activity this summer? Provide your child with large paintbrushes and a bucket of water. Go outside and let them “paint” on a sidewalk or fence using the water. Watch as their art creations appear and then disappear in the heat.

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