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Parent Reviews

  • “Our teachers are fantastic! They are not only caring but also highly effective communicators. We have never had any trouble contacting them whenever we need to discuss anything important.” – Peter K.

  • “Our family deeply appreciates Xplor’s commitment to maintaining a safe and clean environment. They upkeep the daycare facilities and provide a reassuring space for our child to flourish, giving us peace of mind.” – Angie J.

  • “Xplor’s curriculum is exceptional, providing a rich and engaging learning experience for our child. The dedicated teachers create a nurturing environment where our little one is excited to explore and learn.” – Walter V.

  • “Choosing this child care center has been a game-changer. The intentional focus on social-emotional learning has not only prepared our little one for future academic success but has also instilled crucial life skills for positive relationships and self-expression.” – Ashlee U.

  • The teachers at Xplor are friendly, personable, and highly engaged with their students. We can’t say enough good things about them!

  • “My daughter adores Xplor Mansfield and genuinely looks forward to going to daycare. I am very grateful for that and recommend this school to all of my friends.” – Melvin T.