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Parent Testimonials

  • Xplor Mansfield is bright, spacious, open, and is located close to our house. We’ve only been here a short time but it already feels like home.

  • I love the Links 2 Home parent app. I receive photos and daily reports  of my child’s day at school. It’s a great way to stay connected with what she’s learning every day.

  • The curriculum at Xplor Mansfield is a really nice balance. Students are exposed to math, reading, art, science, and even history in ways that are fun and engaging for a young child.

  • The teachers at Xplor are friendly, personable, and highly engaged with their students. We can’t say enough good things about them!

  • Our family loves the after school and summer programs at Xplor. Unlike many programs we’ve found, the Xplor facility is a good fit for older children. The playground is large and spacious, and the teachers work to provide structure while promoting independence.