A Note from Our Principal,
For the past few months our teachers and camp counselors have been busy planning special activities to make this summer fun and memorable. This month marks the beginning of our Connect to Summer curriculum enhancement camp for our preschoolers, and our Summer of Discovery full-time camp program for our school-agers. These programs feature activities that support learning outcomes aligning with your child’s developmental level. Please keep an eye out for special communications about activities and events, and about how you can support your child’s learning at home. As always, we are here with any questions or concerns you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Leila Couture
Links 2 Home App Usage
We know that summer is a busy time for our families, and want to communicate school happenings as clearly as possible to ensure that no one is left out. Daily reports are sent via email each day, but our Links 2 Home app keeps all school communications in one place and is always accessible. The app also allows to you communicate absences to your child’s teacher, leave drop-off notes, and read teacher and administrative notes in detail. For our school-age families, using the Links 2 Home app is absolutely essential to ensuring you’re always in the know about field trips and other camp news.
If you’re not a current app user, we encourage you to visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the app today. You will need to login with the email address you use for Alma. Please let us know if you have issues logging into Links 2 Home!
Vacation Reminder
Please let us know in advance if you are planning on using your vacation credit to ensure that your account is not charged incorrectly. Thank you!
Splash Days
We have several water play days planned for our students this summer and can’t wait for your child to participate! On splash days we provide sprinklers, bubbles and water toys. Children should come to school in their swimsuit and with a towel and a change of dry clothes. On splash day, please apply sunscreen to your child before you drop them off. Our splash days for June are the 14th and 28th.
Important Dates
June 5th Wacky Wednesday Crazy Sock Day
June 7th SnoCone Truck at 2:30
June 11th The Mobile Dairy Farm visits
June 12th Wacky Wednesday Super Hero Day
June 14th Splash Day and Parent’s Night Out
June 17th Donuts with Dad
June 19th Wacky Wednesday Inside Out Day
June 26th Crazy Hair Day
June 28th Splash Day
The summer months are a great time for children of all ages to splash and explore with water. Not only is water play fun, but it’s also a great learning experience for your child. Supervised water play fosters creativity, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, language skills, math and science concepts,[.....]
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June 2019 Newsletter
A Note from Our Principal,
For the past few months our teachers and camp counselors have been busy planning special activities to make this summer fun and memorable. This month marks the beginning of our Connect to Summer curriculum enhancement camp for our preschoolers, and our Summer of Discovery full-time camp program for our school-agers. These programs feature activities that support learning outcomes aligning with your child’s developmental level. Please keep an eye out for special communications about activities and events, and about how you can support your child’s learning at home. As always, we are here with any questions or concerns you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Leila Couture
Links 2 Home App Usage
We know that summer is a busy time for our families, and want to communicate school happenings as clearly as possible to ensure that no one is left out. Daily reports are sent via email each day, but our Links 2 Home app keeps all school communications in one place and is always accessible. The app also allows to you communicate absences to your child’s teacher, leave drop-off notes, and read teacher and administrative notes in detail. For our school-age families, using the Links 2 Home app is absolutely essential to ensuring you’re always in the know about field trips and other camp news.
If you’re not a current app user, we encourage you to visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the app today. You will need to login with the email address you use for Alma. Please let us know if you have issues logging into Links 2 Home!
Vacation Reminder
Please let us know in advance if you are planning on using your vacation credit to ensure that your account is not charged incorrectly. Thank you!
Splash Days
We have several water play days planned for our students this summer and can’t wait for your child to participate! On splash days we provide sprinklers, bubbles and water toys. Children should come to school in their swimsuit and with a towel and a change of dry clothes. On splash day, please apply sunscreen to your child before you drop them off. Our splash days for June are the 14th and 28th.
Important Dates
June 5th Wacky Wednesday Crazy Sock Day
June 7th SnoCone Truck at 2:30
June 11th The Mobile Dairy Farm visits
June 12th Wacky Wednesday Super Hero Day
June 14th Splash Day and Parent’s Night Out
June 17th Donuts with Dad
June 19th Wacky Wednesday Inside Out Day
June 26th Crazy Hair Day
June 28th Splash Day
Splish Splash! Fun Water Play Activities for Preschoolers
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