A Note from Our Principal:
Dear Parents,
April is here and please remember that Friday, April 6th is the final day to take advantage of our Early Bird registration special for the 2018-2019 school year! Please see the front office to complete the updated fee schedule and make payment.
During the month of April, we will be celebrating Week of the Young Child and Earth Day during the week of April 16-20. Each day, we will be incorporating music, art, and teamwork into our daily activities, as well as inviting parents to join us on Family Friday for a picnic! On April 20th, we will also be celebrating Earth Day by making homemade, biodegradable bird feeders and releasing ladybugs into our school flower beds.
We will be collecting recyclables throughout the month of April, so please bring in any empty toilet paper/paper towel rolls, old newspapers, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, plastic water bottles/jugs.
Our summer camp calendars are now available for Preschool and School Age, so head over to our camp page and check out what we have planned!
You can locate a printed calendar of events in the lobby, as well as your child’s monthly take home folder.
Thank you for being a part of our family here at Xplor in Allen and allowing us to be part of your child’s life!
Alice Reed
Important Dates:
4/1—Recycling Drive Begins
4/6–Pajama Day; Final Day for Early Bird Registration
4/13–Spring Picture Day
4/16–Week of the Young Child: Music Monday
4/17–Week of the Young Child: Tasty Tuesday
4/18–Week of the Young Child: Work Together Wednesday—-Kite Flying; bring your kite to school
4/19–Week of the Young Child: Artsy Thursday
4/20–Lady Bug Release @ 10:00am; Week of the Young Child: Family Friday—Family Picnic @ 11:00am
4/21–Earth Day
4/26–Parent Appreciation Breakfast
4/27–PK Field Trip: The Crayola Experience 9:00am-11:00am; Parents’ Night Out 6:30pm-10:30pm
**Monthly calendars are printed and available at the front desk.
From Our Education Department:
April, 2018
Topics: Mathematics
In January, we shared five easy ways for you to integrate math into your child’s day. We have so many fun suggestions, we had to break this blog into two parts. Here are five more activities that will help your child learn that math is everywhere and math is fun![.....]
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April News
A Note from Our Principal:
Dear Parents,
April is here and please remember that Friday, April 6th is the final day to take advantage of our Early Bird registration special for the 2018-2019 school year! Please see the front office to complete the updated fee schedule and make payment.
During the month of April, we will be celebrating Week of the Young Child and Earth Day during the week of April 16-20. Each day, we will be incorporating music, art, and teamwork into our daily activities, as well as inviting parents to join us on Family Friday for a picnic! On April 20th, we will also be celebrating Earth Day by making homemade, biodegradable bird feeders and releasing ladybugs into our school flower beds.
We will be collecting recyclables throughout the month of April, so please bring in any empty toilet paper/paper towel rolls, old newspapers, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, plastic water bottles/jugs.
Our summer camp calendars are now available for Preschool and School Age, so head over to our camp page and check out what we have planned!
You can locate a printed calendar of events in the lobby, as well as your child’s monthly take home folder.
Thank you for being a part of our family here at Xplor in Allen and allowing us to be part of your child’s life!
Alice Reed
Important Dates:
4/1—Recycling Drive Begins
4/6–Pajama Day; Final Day for Early Bird Registration
4/13–Spring Picture Day
4/16–Week of the Young Child: Music Monday
4/17–Week of the Young Child: Tasty Tuesday
4/18–Week of the Young Child: Work Together Wednesday—-Kite Flying; bring your kite to school
4/19–Week of the Young Child: Artsy Thursday
4/20–Lady Bug Release @ 10:00am; Week of the Young Child: Family Friday—Family Picnic @ 11:00am
4/21–Earth Day
4/26–Parent Appreciation Breakfast
4/27–PK Field Trip: The Crayola Experience 9:00am-11:00am; Parents’ Night Out 6:30pm-10:30pm
**Monthly calendars are printed and available at the front desk.
From Our Education Department:
Adding Math to Your Child’s Day, Part 2
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